Raptor Naturalist Programs
Golden Eagle Weekend: March 16 and 17th, 2024
Saturday and Sunday from ~ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Mackinaw City spring count location – Corner of S. Askins and Pond St., off W. Central Ave., Behind the Mackinaw City Recreation Center. * Google map can be found on MSRW’s Count Sites page
Description: Did you know that the Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch holds the nationwide record for the largest seasonal count of Golden Eagles seen east of the Mississippi, as they migrated through the Straits of Mackinac (374 in 2015)? Come join us on this specialty weekend as we focus on this majestic bird, as it heads north to the breeding grounds. There will be individuals on site who are knowledgeable about how to view these birds and others as they head north.
We will have valuable information about where these birds migrate to and from, adaptations they have for these long flights and how to identify them in the air and perching.
Bring your binoculars, as this the best way to observe them as they head across the Straits! We will have observers with spotting scopes and a few sets of binoculars available for loan.
Red-tailed Hawk Weekend: April 13 and 14th, 2024
Saturday and Sunday from ~ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Mackinaw City spring count location – Corner of S. Askins and Pond St., off W. Central Ave., Behind the Mackinaw City Recreation Center. * Google map can be found on MSRW’s Count Sites page
Description: Did you know that the Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch holds the nationwide record for the largest seasonal count of Red-tailed Hawks seen in the spring, as they migrated through the Straits of Mackinac (22,420 in 2019)? Come join us on this specialty weekend for a day of viewing and learning about the most current migrant to come through the Straits this season, the Red-tailed Hawk. There will be individuals on site who are knowledgeable about how to view these birds and others as they head north.
We will have valuable information about where these birds migrate to and from, adaptations they have for these long flights and how to identify them in the air and perching. Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch’s information about our seasonal research related to the Red-tailed Hawk will also be shown.
Bring your binoculars, as this the best way to observe them as they head across the Straits! We will have observers with spotting scopes and a few sets of binoculars available for loan.
Broad-winged Bonanza Weekend: April 27 and 28th, 2024
Saturday and Sunday from ~ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Mackinaw City spring count location – Corner of S. Askins and Pond St., off W. Central Ave., Behind the Mackinaw City Recreation Center. * Google map can be found on MSRW’s Count Sites page
Description: This weekend is when the beautiful Broad-winged hawks are filling the skies as they travel north for the summer! These hawks, like most others, migrate together in flocks and can be seen in large groups called kettles. Join the Raptor Naturalist and other observers for a day of viewing and learning about our most current migrant that is making its journey north, the Broad-winged hawk! There will be individuals on site who are knowledgeable about how to view these birds and others as they head north.
We will have valuable information about where these birds migrate to and from, adaptations they have for these long flights and how to identify them in the air and perching.
Bring your binoculars, as this the best way to observe them as they head across the Straits! We will have observers with spotting scopes and a few sets of binoculars available for loan.
Join Us for Other Weekly Spring Programs On-site**:
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from ~ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
March 8th — June 3rd
Location: View our count sites page for directions to our Spring hawk count sites. Check out our MSRW Facebook page for updated details since it may change during the season or weekend.
Hawk Watching 101: Engage in the tips and tricks for better viewing of raptors in flight.
Raptors in Flight: Explore those raptors on-site that day or throughout the season.
Fascinating Research at MSRW: Learn about MSRW’s conservation research work and the new techniques used to track bird migration; learn about their movements and how this work fits into the bigger picture of raptor knowledge.
Raptor Adaptations: What allows these birds to travel, capture prey, and have successful nesting and breeding places.
Other Opportunities On-site:
**Live Birds Up-Close (Bird dependent – Spring season only): On the days we are banding raptors nearby, you may have the opportunity to see a live bird up close!
Group Visits: If you have a group who would like to schedule a visit for a unique program, contact Sarah Reding, MSRW Raptor Naturalist.
Note: Binoculars are available on-site to share and can aid in your on-site viewing.
Raptors Revealed – 2021 Speaker Series Videos