Fall Raptor Watch: Week 13

As the weeks go on, the migration over the Straits of Mackinac is winding down. This week the final count number ended at 546 raptors observed. Red-tailed Hawks made up most of the count at 206 individuals counted.

Starting on 11/10, the count was short with next to no activity. Only 2 Bald Eagles made an appearance. No count was conducted on 11/11.

November 12 picked up, recording nearly half of the total count for the week on a single day at 255 birds. The sunny weather made it difficult to count at times, but Calvin did record Red-tailed Hawks as the most numerous birds, and the Golden Eagles are also hitting their peak for the season. The weather was somewhat similar with a bit more cloud cover on 11/13. The winds kept the birds flying low, offering some great views of the migration. The most exciting look was that of an adult Goshawk. No count was conducted the following day, 11/14.

The count slowed down for the official last day of the watch on 11/15. 11 birds were recorded total, including Bald Eagles, Red-shouldered Hawks, then one Red-tail and one Rough-legged Hawk. And although this concluded the official end of the watch, volunteers will continue to count as the weather allows.

So, for the final day of the week on 11/16, Ed Pike and Russ Edmonds conducted a count of 154 raptors. The migration was solid until cloud cover moved in, although high flying birds are difficult to spot against bright blue skies.  

Overall, not a bad final official week for the migration. Thank you to Calvin, our official raptor counter, all our visitors, and of course the volunteers who are out conducting counts in their own time!

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